Sunday, April 18, 2010

handful of aimless gnomes

Some time ago back in December of '08 I received an email from my mother which included an intricate plot to take over the world. This plot involved writing a book about a gnome. And since she didn't want to share the weight of such accountability, I was invited to do the illustrations.

Well, back in December of '08 I was still convinced that my art career was just the ideation of an oblivious, day-dreaming adolescent. So I have my mother to partially thank for giving me a reason to rekindle my childhood aspirations.

The progress of this book is only known by Marilyn, but I was able to widdle up a few simple ideas for gnomes just to help subdue my thoughts that this book might not ever even happen.

Here they are in order of genesis.
They author has already chosen her favorite but if you'd like to make suggestions to sway her one way or the other, you may visit her blog.

1 comment:

Mad Hadder said...

Gnome for Miss C.K. is on the way.