Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"Okay, I'm with you fellas."

This one was pretty fun to do. It was an exercise in mouth shapes and lip synching animation. If you've been hiding in a cave for the last ten years, you may not know that this is from the movie O Brother, Where Art Thou?. One of my faves.

(warning to parents:  contains non G-rated language)


Tacie Kerr said...

I'll send it to my father-in-law...he loves that show. I like your animation.

Tacie Kerr said...

Ok, since I am signed in under Greg, that previous comment is confusing since you both have the same father-in-law...and that isn't to whom I planned to send this. Let's just say I am passing your blog along...it's just easier that way...we'll leave the relationships out of it.

emilyfcutler said...

haha that's great. I like "Clooney's" raised eyebrow

Shelly said...

Tom, I sure hope someday someone will pick up on all your subtle details and realize you for the genius that you are.

Mad Hadder said...

I HAVE actually spent the last ten years in a cave--sharpening my canines on bones, picking lice out of my mate's hair, learning to grunt intelligently, and taming a wild ocelot. Nevertheless, even a CAVEMAN knows O Brother. I mean really...don't condescend.