Thursday, October 7, 2010

what do you get when you cross a head with a radio?

Typography class... that was a fun one.  I didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I did.
Here are a few of my assignments.

Objective:  Create 5 images where the meaning of a word is enhanced by manipulating its features.
I guess I had sin on the brain...

Objective:  Create a portrait of a famous person using only text.  I chose Thom Yorke from Radiohead.


emilyfcutler said...

I've always liked y's. I have y envy. That's a cool assignment, or, you completed it cooly. And, in regard to the title of this post: I have a stereo that looks exactly like the head of Johnny 5/E.T. Yuck.

Mad Hadder said...

VERY cool. So says me!