Saturday, October 30, 2010

speed walking

walkety walk

What's that you say? He doesn't have a shadow?
Well... what does he need a shadow for, anyway?
What do you take me for... an expert?

(can you count all the w's in this post. winner gets a treat.)


Season said...

12 if you count the title. 11 if you do not. What do I win????

emilyfcutler said...

15 w's.

He walks like a man in tights should. :)

Mad Hadder said...

15 , but I'm sure you implied many more.

Tom Giles said...

I'm going to have to ask you to justify your answers. I have not yet declared a winner.

Family of Chase said...

12,I liked the rock face at the start.

Shelly said...

15. walking, walkety, walk, www., what's, shadow, well, what, shadow, anyway, what, w's, winner

Season said...

Aw dang it. Apparently the eye exam I told you I needed is more pressing than I thought.

Tom Giles said...

okay, you all win... even the ones that didn't. the treat is leftover halloween candy. you can claim your prize at my house, if you know where that is.

Bill Giles said...

I thought you did well on this Tom. and so what if he doesn't have a shadow! he's soo bright there cant be a shadow!