Monday, July 26, 2010

an intricate orange peel

By popular demand I am about to reveal the story behind my header.  I'll warn you now that intrigue and drama abound in the following story and you may be wise to take a few breaths before continuing.  You may even want to dim the lights and hold hands with someone you love.  If by the end of this story you haven't altered your perception of the world and felt compelled to adopt a child or a highway or something noble like that, then consider yourself in a state of numbnity.  Yes, numbnity.

Now that I've talked this thing up, prepare to be let down.

The idea for the design came like any other solid idea:  absolutely out of nowhere.  It was initially to fulfill an assignment for class where I had to demonstrate continuity or something like that.  So I came up with the idea of a puzzley sphere.  I started by making three stencils that all fit inside of each other in a 3d spherical sort of way.  Only one of the stencils has since survived.

Next I traced them onto card stock and painted the individual shapes.  This is the how the assignment looked that I turned in.  I probably got like a moderately low to high A for a grade.

The next step was to quickly teach my self a program called Adobe Illustrator.  I took the above photo and traced it in said software and finished it off by adding a few gradients here and there and creating a nice blue smokey atmosphere in Photoshop.
I'm pretty sure there was one point during this whole process where I thought it would be neat to peel an orange like this.  Maybe I'll do that some day when I'm old and I can only eat oranges.

And here's a quick animated video I made that illustrates how the pieces fit together.  For some reason it only lets me play it twice and then it gets all confused and disoriented.  Maybe you'll have better luck on your computers.

Well, they almost fit together.  You get the point.
So, that's all.  I hope you had fun.  I did.

unrelated fact:  saw Inception.  Nolan totally nailed it.  A fine job, Nolan.  A fine job indeed.


kittens said...

I'm sure all this has come together so nicely by the sheer fact that geese adore you. If we could all be so lucky...

Shelly said...

that's cool, Tom. I'm not sure what eating only oranges would do to your digestive system, though.

Mad Hadder said...

I wish you'd make prunes into a puzzle because I need to eat those for about a week. My computer could probably put that together perfectly say, maybe, 5,000 times.

emilyfcutler said...

ah. you say puzzley I say puzzly. Either way, it's sooper cool.